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5. WordPress with wpForo Forum website Backups & Migrations

5. WordPress with wpForo Forum website Backups & Migrations


Greetings Adventurers into computer’s operations,


One of my working backup & migration WordPress plugin now can migrate a 1 GB sized, WordPress website with an wpForo Forum and an bbPress Forum, both forums on 1-website. This paid WordPress plugin is called: All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension. Here’s the URL link:




First I installed the free WordPress plugin called: All-in-One WP Migration.
Then installed the paid WordPress plugin: l-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension.
I require the features and larger size capacity of the paid WordPress plugin: l-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension.


I have migrated 3-WordPress websites with the WordPress plugin: l-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension. Plus I have created 6-backup archives websites of my 5-WordPress websites on my hosting plan.


Best regards,


David E Ros, Editor, Computer User and Webmaster Owner

Published on: Jun 15, 2021 at 15:49

6-15-2021 wrote and published this webpage;
6-15-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
6-15-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
6-15-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from:
https://jsonformatter.org/html-validator. Results: passed, O.K.;
6-15-2021 manual check of HTML codes

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