2a. Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox are my favorite browsers
2a. Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox are my favorite browsers
Greetings Adventurers into computer’s operations,
I am back to using the Google Chrome browser since 7-27-2021 & the Mozilla Firefox browser since 7-9-2021. The Mozilla Firefox browser is working much better with better video graphics, etc.
The Google Chrome Browser got a McAfee virus that has been around for a while. The only way to remove this fast pop-ups virus is removing the Google Chrome browser. Remove the fake update(s) download in the download folder with the viruses and remove the Trojan viruses, etc., caught by Avast Security. I upgraded and I now have Avast Premium Security software.
The Google Chrome Browser got the McAfee virus from my downloading a Google Chrome update from a fake website. I’m now using “IObit Software Installer 4” to inform me to approve new updates. I use the IObit Software Updater 4 to install the update(s).
I am using the using the following extensions on both the Google Chrome browser & the Mozilla Firefox browser extensions:
1. “Fireshot” Screen Shot Recorder for screen captures both in visible screen size and full size on both browsers.
2. “Avast Online Security” extension on Google Chrome and “360 Internet Protection” extension (360 Total Security) on Mozilla Firefox browser.
3. “RetailMeNot Deal Finder” extension on both browsers.
4. “YouTube Flash Video Player” on the Mozilla Firefox browser.
Published on: Jun 8, 2021 at 04:40
Revised: 7-12-2021; 7-28-2021
6-8-2021; 7-21-2021; 7-28-2021 wrote and published this webpage;
6-8-2021; 7-12-2021; 7-28-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
6-8-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
6-8-2021; 7-12-2021; 7-28-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from:
https://jsonformatter.org/html-validator. Results: passed, O.K.
6-8-2021; 7-12-2021; 7-28-2021 manual check of HTML codes
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Recent, New Webpage Revisions
1. What’s new on Computer-Tech-Information.com? P. 1 of 1
2. Browser Problems? Microsoft Windows 10 and 7 OS Tips-Part I, II & III
2a. Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox are my favorite browsers
3. Website Software I Presently Use
4. Solving WordPress Hacking Issues
5. WordPress with wpForo Forum website Backups & Migrations
6. The Adobe Flash Player, end of life, situation on several Browsers
A1. Transferred computer-tech-information.com to VPS Hosting with 2-CPU & 4 GB memory and updated the WordPress website theme to Theme Hunk Top Store theme on 1-14-2021.
Then transfered computer-tech-information.com to VPS Hosting with 4-CPU & 8GB memory on 6-18-2021
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